May 3, 2013

Garden Update

We made some major progress with the garden this past week.  Look at all we got planted!
  • Onion plants (Big Daddy - my one bundle held 48 plants)
  • Salad row (1/2 spinach and 1/2 arugula)
  • Potatoes (2 rows of Red Pontiac and 2 rows of Yukon Gold)
  • Beets (2 rows of Cylindra)
  • Peas (1 1/2 rows of Wando and 1/2 row of Champion of England)

our garden in April

There is a little space at the end of the onion row that I think I'll toss some radish seed into.  I'm the only one who eats radishes, so that little space should do.  I was surprised that within 5 days the spinach and arugula started showing themselves.  I hope our weather stays mild enough that we can have a few salads out of the garden this year.

The seeds I started are still doing well.  I'm starting to harden off the cabbage a little each day so I can move them out to the garden next week.  My tomatoes need a couple more weeks inside as does the basil. 

starting seeds tomato cabbage basil

My sweet potatoes are producing slips like crazy.  So far, I've picked off 8 slips and put them in jars of water to grow roots.  I may have to buy pepper plants because those seeds aren't doing much at all and I'm running low on time.

sweet potato slips

I'm happy with the progress we've made so far.  We actually had seeds and plants in the ground in April and that hasn't ever happened for us.  I hope we can stay on top of it and keep the momentum going.  I'd love to fill that pantry with homegrown goods this year!

Linking up with HomeAcre Hop and Homestead Barn Hop


  1. It looks beautiful! You're doing a great job. Thanks for sharing your garden with the HomeAcre Hop!

  2. Your garden looks great! We made huge progress in our garden this weekend too. Can't wait to share tomorrow!
