May 22, 2013

Baby Chicks Coming Soon!

Several weeks ago both of our Silkie hens went broody.  We decided to let them collect a clutch and see what happens.  Last summer they each hatched 2 chicks and we had so much fun watching them.  Baby chicks are so stinking cute!

Silkie hen with newly hatched chicks

The chicks are due to hatch this coming weekend.  In total, they are setting on 11 eggs.  Our makeshift brooder inside the coop worked great last summer because there were only 2 chicks and one mama at a time.  We know better than to expect a 100% hatch rate this time, but even at 50% our little set up in the coop won't be enough space so we're trying something new.  Introducing the chicken tractor...

mobile chicken tractor

We purchased this bad boy last year in the hopes of raising some meat chickens.  We have plans to do that this summer, but for now, it will be our brooder.  We pulled the tractor up by the chicken coop and outdoor run last weekend and then transferred the Silkies and their eggs into it. 

Partridge Silkie hen sitting on nest
chicken eggs in next

They have settled in nicely and hopefully their little hatchlings will get along fine in it next week.  I'll keep you updated on our hatch rate and post pics of the new chicks.



  1. I can't wait to see how it goes for you! I have a broody hen sitting on some eggs too but they are still a week or more away from hatching.

    1. So far, so good, Candy! We had one hatch overnight and have another on its way now. :)

  2. AnonymousMay 28, 2013

    How exciting we just got chickens this year and should be laying in just a few weeks. Please keep us posted on the progress. Thanks for sharing!

    Please join us again Thursday at:
    The HomeAcre Hop

