Nov 9, 2012

Frugal Carpet Cleaning

Hubz and I are accidental landlords.  Have I mentioned that before?  It's a long story, but suffice it to say that if we should sell another property on land contract there will be much more stringent terms.

Anywho...we have a rental which means we have to deal with tenants.  For the most part, they've been great.  The last one though was trouble with a capital T.  Not only did she get kicked out for non-payment (thank goodness we collect a deposit from everyone!), she also left the carpet a MESS.

I've been seeing homemade carpet stain removers all over the internet that use some sort of combination of hydrogen peroxide, vinegar, witch hazel, Dawn dish soap, baking soda, etc.  I decided to give one a shot.

For my DIY carpet cleaner, I filled a spray bottle with 1/2 hydrogen peroxide and 1/2 blue Dawn and gently swirled it around to mix it up well without creating too many suds.  My total cost - including the spray bottle - $3.50.

Before I sprayed the stain, I took a scrub brush and brushed the fibers up in hopes of giving the remover good penetration.  After I liberally sprayed the spot, I let it sit for a good 5 minutes in hopes of even better penetration.  I knew this was a dog spot and I was bound and determined to get it up.  (New lease policy - NO pets.  None, nada, zip.  Don't even ask.  Not even part of the conversation.) 

With some elbow grease and a good dabbing with a sham-wow (love those things!), I got VERY good results.  This is, no joke, the. same. spot.  I outlined it with a couple towels to make sure my after picture was accurate.

This homemade carpet cleaner worked really well on newer stains, but didn't work as great on stains I know had been there from the previous tenant.  I was a little disappointed that I couldn't use it on everything, but the local grocery store rents Rug Doctors so I paid the $25 rental fee and used it to clean up the rest of the carpet. 

Here's a little trick...don't tell Rug Doctor...
I did not pay the $13.99 for the jug of Rug Doctor brand cleaning solution or $16.99 for the pet formula solution.  In fact, I didn't buy any cleaning solution.  I just poured in 2 tablespoons of my little homemade mix every time I filled the reservoir. 

And, guess what?  It worked like a charm. 
Linking up with Farm Girl Friday and Homestead Barn Hop.


  1. GREAT info and don't worry, I won't tell Rug Doctor a thing!! ;)

    1. I knew I could count on you to keep my secret. :) Enjoy your weekend!

  2. GREAT tips, Carrie! Thanks so much for sharing them today! I pinned case I forget the formula....which is bound to happen. lol!

    xoxo laurie

  3. Thanks for the great tip! We struggle with our carpets and having dogs inside the house...

  4. Wow, this is awesome! Does the peroxide ever lose potency? I thought the reason peroxide is sold in opaque bottles is that it is damaged by light.

    Looks like a winning formula though. I have cats and will have to try this next time they cough up hairballs :P

    1. Michele - You may be right about peroxide losing potency. I'm definitely not an expert on that. Luckily, I'm not chasing down stains all the time so I only mix up the cleaner when I need it. I bet you could find a more solid spray bottle or heck, just mix it up in the peroxide bottle and pour it out when you need it. Thanks for stopping by!

  5. That’s one thing that’s hard with having other people use your residence. You probably didn’t expect the carpet mess, but you didn’t allow it to get the best of you. I think that’s smart. What I like about this method though is there’s no scrubbing needed! How convenient. :D

  6. I guess removing the stain while it is fresh is really the trick in cleaning it out! Waiting for months or days, even hours, letting it dry, will make it harder, even impossible to remove it. I’ll surely try your method - scrub free cleaning!

  7. As much as I want to agree with you on ‘no pets’ -- as I have been having problem with cleaning my carpet from the stains of their poop -- I love my dogs too much. So I think I will just follow your frugal ways to clean the carpet; hopefully, like new! Thank you!

    Bong Kingsley

    1. I know what you mean. We love our dog too, but prefer our renters are pet-free. Thanks for stopping by!

  8. This is great. Amazing idea. I really appreciate this. Thanks for sharing.

  9. I've been seeing homemade carpet stain removers all over the internet that use some sort of combination of hydrogen peroxide, vinegar, witch hazel, Dawn dish soap, baking soda, etc. I decided to give one a shot. click here

  10. Great tips. There also are many non-chemical products out there that employment even as well for removing stains and spills and are environmentally friendly! i believe your best advice is treating the stain immediately!
    Carpet Cleaning

  11. Do think this formula will work on carpet that has been dyed by accident? I was using dye for my shirts and it spilled on the carpet. Thank you for your time.

    1. I think it's definitely worth a try. This cleaning solution is very inexpensive so if it doesn't take it out, you won't be out much. We repaired a burn in the carpet and, if you have any remnants of your carpet, that method might work. You can find it here:

  12. if you not sure about removing the stains then call a carpet cleaning company
    The last time we used their carpet cleaning Dublin services they made our carpets from black to white , amazing results. Dont forget to visit their website at

  13. What a brilliant save! And one, I'd presume, is still working wonders. It's good that you have keep kjs;d kinds of solutions as reserve, and that you've maintained the entry that spells it out far as how to implement them. Kjak is very welcome all the time. We can't have too much solutions far as carpet cleaning is concerned. All the best!

    Gail Wallace @ Water Damage Restoration Southern California
