Nov 7, 2012

A Clean Nesting Box {Pizza Boxes to the Rescue}

One of our Silkies, Beanie, hatched these two little buggers at the end of June.  They are now 16+ weeks old.  In fact, the little pullet should start laying soon.

Black Silkie hen with chicks

Beanie, being the broody little thing she is, is back on the nest hoping for another clutch to hatch.  Apparently, her chicks can't get on without her because they keep trying to sleep in the nesting box with her instead of hopping up on the roost with the rest of the flock.  They are barred rock-buff orpington and silver laced wyandotte-buff orpington mixes (that's a mouthful!).  They are much bigger than their surrogate Silkie Momma.  They practically squish her, but she doesn't seem to mind.  If Beanie doesn't mind being squished by her nearly full-grown chicks, I don't care either. 

Black Silkie hen in nesting box
There's no room in there for 2 more!

What I do care about is this - chickens poop when they sleep.  It's gross, but it's true.  Broody hens, however, do not poop when they sleep.  Beanie sleeping in a nesting box doesn't dirty up the nesting box.  She holds it all night and takes a really big poop in the morning.  I know, that's gross too, but it's true.  If a broody hen pooped all night she'd be pooping on the eggs she's working to hatch.  Yuck.  Her two chicks, however, will poop all night in the box.  It's disgusting.  We're tired of scooping it out and trying to keep the boxes clean so we've taken drastic measures with pizza boxes. 


It looks funny, but it totally works.  The chicks get shoved out come evening; the boxes shoved in; Beanie's all comfy-cozy, and the chicks eventually make their way up on the roost.  It took about 2 straight weeks before the little stinkers got the picture.  Thank goodness they did. 

16 week old pullet and cockerel

Linking up with Rural Thursday and Farm Girl Friday and Homestead Barn Hop!


  1. Great idea and how delicious! I'd change pizza boxes often!!

  2. Great idea who knew pizza could have such an end result:) B

    1. Very true...I expected the heartburn, but didn't imagine this end result. :)

  3. What a Beautiful Hen she has it all worked, out smart Hen.

    1. She is a very good Mother. I was amazed at how she and our other Silkie were with their chicks.

  4. Great photos and very informative and fun post ~ 'do what works' ~ Pizza boxes ~ great! ~ (A Creative Harbor) ^_^

  5. Great way to recycle those pizza boxes! :)

  6. What a clever idea (and a very clever and intriguing post title!). And those chickens are very beautiful, too!

  7. Clever idea! I didn't realize broody hens didn't poop at night. Interesting! Thanks for sharing!

    Visiting from the farmgirl blog hop :)

  8. Thats very clever! It also gives the chickens a scenic view to look at with the picture on the box lid, lol!

  9. Excellent idea! You have some beautiful girls there :)

  10. We have a couple chickens that will roost on the edges of the nesting box and get poop all in it!! I hate it but we are at a loss as to how to prevent it with the way our coop is made. I just have to be diligent about cleaning it out so our eggs aren't always poop-covered.
