Jan 17, 2014

Adoption Update {Big News to Share!}

It was a miscellaneous Wednesday.  I had taken the day off to spend time with my sister and her little ones since she was in town.  I was putting dinner in the crockpot before heading out for the day when the phone rang.  It was Louise from our adoption agency.  “Carrie, I have some good news.”  What?  What?  A little boy?  He’s two?  Awww.. Oh my goodness, yes, please send his medical and psychological report, omgosh omgosh.  I have to call Hubz at work. 
It was the phone call that every prospective adoptive parent dreams of and at the same time can’t imagine really happening, and we got it.  We had been matched with this little sweetie and we were elated, but we were also concerned – there are so many what ifs.

We reviewed everything and received a picture.  Such a little cutie!  A couple weeks later we were able to get some video of him and more pictures.   A regional children’s hospital has an International Adoption clinic and they have a service where they’ll review all information you receive on a child and give you their opinion of him/her.  We had that completed and said Yes!  A thousand times, yes! 

About three weeks later we flew over to meet him (our first time to fly ‘across the pond’) and on my birthday that week we signed documents stating our intent to move forward with adopting this little guy.
Now, we are anxiously awaiting his Visa approval, our court date (hopefully passing court) and then our travel dates.  We may travel sometime in April and on that trip he will come home with us.  :)
It’s still almost unbelievable.  We're still in shock and a little overwhelmed about the responsibilities of parenting this little treasure we’re being trusted with.

It’s interesting - when you talk to some people about adoption they act like you’re doing such a great thing, like it’s almost charitable that you’re giving an orphan a home and a future and a life that he otherwise may not have had.  But we don’t see it that way.  We almost feel selfish when people talk to us like that because we believe he’s giving US a life WE may not have otherwise had.


  1. I'm so happy for you. Keep us updated. I have over the past year, thought about how it was going. Children are blessings - no matter how we get them!

    1. Thanks Dicky Bird! We think so too!

  2. What exciting news and what a neat birthday present for you! Looking forward to 'meeting' the little guy! :)

    1. Thanks Candy. That was definitely a birthday to remember. :)

  3. Congrats! I found your blog through the MLJ map, since we are also waiting to adopt from the same country as you. I'm excited to hear about the call! I hope you get approval as fast as possible to go get your little one!

    1. Thanks Angel. Good luck on your journey. It can be a long, hard road, but when you get this far it is SO worth it. :) I'll try to update as things progress for us.

  4. Congratulations on giving a little boy a new home and a new life, Carrie! I know you don’t want to put it that way, and it’s a lovely thing for you to say that he is giving you a life you may never have. I hope the life you’ll be sharing with this boy will be one long and happy one. Anyway, how is the progress going? I hope we’ll get to meet him soon.

    Dean Glover @ Adoption Network
