Sep 27, 2013

Adoption Update {Fall 2013}

Several people have inquired recently about how our adoption is coming along.  Here’s the answer, in a word:  slowly. 

Unless you’ve gone through this process, it’s hard to understand just how long it can take, how many steps there are and how many documents there are to complete.   Before we got started, we had no idea.  It’s been a big learning experience for sure.

Right now, we are waiting for the country to match us with a sibling group.  We submitted our dossier late last year.  That is a huge packet of information about us, how many children we’re hoping to adopt, what special needs we can handle, etc.   We had to update our home study (they expire every year), update fingerprints (they expire too!) and we just recently submitted a request for an extension on our i-800A which is approval through USCIS.  Once our extension is granted (fingers crossed that it will be!), we’ll need to travel to the closest Federal building for more fingerprints and that should be our last document/fingerprint update for a while.

While we wait we are trying to prepare our home for the addition of little ones.   The 2 bedrooms that the children will have both need shelving and organization pieces in the closets.   Those rooms also need shades on the windows.  I’m trying to purge and organize various other rooms and closets.  We have a few toys and several books already, but we’re trying to hold off on buying too much until we’re matched so we can buy more age-appropriate items.  I am chomping at the bit to get those rooms fully furnished and decorated.  Hubz keeps telling me to be patient, but that is not one of my best qualities.  He excels at it.  But me, not so much.

I wish I had more to report, but we are truly just waiting.  Hubz was worried they had forgotten about us, but that’s not the case.  We’re on their list.  Our agency has at least 2 other families who are in the same stage and timeframe as us.  It’s comforting to know we’re not alone, but also disheartening to know there are children who need families and families who are still waiting to bring them home.  I know it will all come together in His time, but it’s hard not knowing when that is. 

Any ideas on how to help us pass the time?

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