Feb 25, 2013

DIY Carpet Repair

We've been using the fireplace like gangbusters this year and so far, have seen a savings of $77 on our electric bill from November through February.  Using the fireplace creates a little mess and requires cleaning out once or twice a week, depending on how heavy we use it.  I expected the mess.  One side effect I hadn't counted on was a burn in the carpet. 

It happened to me a few weeks ago.  A hot coal popped out when I tossed a new log in and it landed right on the carpet.  Why we didn't have a rug down, I'll never know.  But there it lay, melting the carpet.  By the time I could grab the little shovel and toss it back in, we had a burn about the size of those little fun size candy bars people hand out at Halloween.  We just celebrated our 2nd anniversary in this brand new house so a burn in the carpet was a wee-bit upsetting.

Luckily, my husband is resourceful and he had an idea of how to repair it.  This total repair cost us only $4.47.  I'll walk you through step-by-step with a little photo tutorial.

For this repair, you'll need:
  • Pair of pliers
  • Pair of scissors
  • Gel super glue (we used this glue)
  • Carpet remnant
  • Heavy book

1.  Using a pair of pliers, or a Leatherman's tool as Hubz did, pull out the damaged fibers until you have a clear area.

2.  Cut a piece from your carpet remnant to fit inside the bare spot you've just created, trimming as needed.  You want a snug fit.

3.  Fill the bare spot with super glue, firmly press your cut piece into the hole and cover with something heavy.  Let it sit for at least 1-2 hours, longer if possible.  We let ours sit overnight.

4.  Lastly, trim the fibers from the glued piece so they are even with the rest of the carpet.  Once this step is done, all evidence of your patch is gone.

I've asked visitors to find our carpet patch and they haven't been able to.  Heck, we aren't really sure anymore where it is.  It's truly imperceptible.  Our patch is about 3 weeks old now and it's been vacuumed over several times with no problems.

And, in case you're wondering, we now have a rug down in front of the fireplace to catch any further stray coals.  I learned my lesson well.

Linking up with Homestead Barn Hop

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  1. Perfect! We have a rental that has ink on the LR carpet but the rest of the carpet is beautiful so I hate to replace it-this will work great! Thank you!


  2. AnonymousJune 20, 2013

    Holly cow, my friend needed this two months ago! Her dog dug a hole in her carpet, I wish I would have known about this earlier! This stinks, It seems as if this would really work.I want to try this with my upcoming rug repair in Toronto. Thanks again for sharing!

  3. Wow! Thank you so much for this tutorial. Carpets can really fall apart due to everyday wear and tear, especially when you have kids and animals at home. This will really be helpful to try and fix simple carpet problems on your own.
    Barry Chavez

  4. Thank you so much for sharing! It's a really good to be known advice! I have two little girls who love to paint on our carpet, so I'll need to use that DIY carpet repair really soon!
