Dec 2, 2012

Prepping for Winter {Firewood Update}

Remember back in October when Hubz had me outside helping him split, haul and stack firewood?  Well, two things have become apparent since that day:

  1. Burning a fire each night definitely helps with the electric bill.
Here's my beautiful Excel chart that I track our electric bill on each month.  Check out the difference between November 2011 and November 2012 - down by 20%, which is 31 glorious dollars.  Woot!woot!  Super happy about that.


      2.  That stack of firewood didn't last very long - only about 7 weeks.  Yikes.

We've since re-stocked and Dad helped Hubz do a little more cutting so we've got a good little stash to pull from when the time comes.  What we've got in the garage right now may last until mid-January.  We hope it lasts that long, anyway.  We shall see.

Poulan chainsaw cutting downed Walnut tree

Stihl chainsaw cutting downed Walnut tree

Dad - where's your safety gear?  No ear protection?  No eye protection?  You didn't forget your Red Man though - got it in your shirt pocket.  :)

What's that saying about teaching an old dog...?


  1. Great job lowering the heating bill! :)
    You need to nag your dad about wearing his safety gear...tsk, tsk, tsk!!

    1. I know! Maybe a few pieces of gear will make their way into his stocking this Christmas. :) Thanks for stopping by!

  2. I'm a slacker about safety gear too. *sigh* I'm sure ill lean one day.
    Great job on the heating bill!


  3. My Dad always says firewood will warm you up twice. Before we got our fireplace fixed we had to use propane and I NEVER felt warm. So thankful for our firewood! -Jamie

  4. This is such an interesting post! We have a fireplace that needs to be repaired, we definitely don't plan on fixing it this year. We have wondered if it would be worth it to get it fixed for next year though! Great food for thought. My husband is a mechanic, my dad is a farmer...I don't think I've ever seen either use safety gear! They just love to worry us!
