Apr 23, 2014

Our Chicken Run {A Video Tour}

A while back we posted a tour of our chicken coop.  We thought folks might also be interested in seeing more details of our outdoor chicken run or yard or chicken pen, depending on what you call it.

Our pen is made of dog kennel panels - all obtained for free from family members no longer needing them.  It's reinforced along the bottom 24" or so with hardware cloth that is stretched outward from the pen and buried to help prevent digging.  Chicken wire covers the top to protect from airborne predators. 

Here is the video tour:

A few things we would do differently:
  • Reinforce the chicken wire covering.  It is starting to sag a good bit and sags a LOT with snow and ice which we saw quite a bit of this past winter.
  • Re-work both entry doors so they open inward.  One door will only open outward and we have to fight would-be escapees almost every time we open that door.
  • Set up a dry area for dust baths.  We like to throw in wood ashes every so often for them to dust bathe in and it would be nice if they could stay dry longer.

Hindsight is 20/20, right?  Oh, well. Hope you enjoy the video (however amateur it may be!).


  1. I enjoy seeing how other people set things up. Thank you for sharing this at the HomeAcre Hop; I hope you'll join us again this Thursday.
    Kathi at Oak Hill Homestead

  2. We do learn from experience - great post! I am delighted that you shared with Home and Garden Thursday,
