Apr 27, 2014

And So It Begins... {2014 Garden}

Isn't it great how you get a new start with the vegetable garden every year? If something doesn't go as planned, just wait a few months and you get to try again.  I love that!  Lord knows we have plenty things each year that don't go as well as we'd like.  Eventually, we'll get it figured out, I hope.  Either way, we got started on this year's try this weekend.

Instead of buying seed potatoes, we used some of last year's that didn't get canned or turned into freezer hashbrowns.  These Red Pontiacs have some serious ambition.  They started growing new potatoes in the bushel basket they were stored in.  I didn't know that was possible.  Hopefully they'll do well for us.

After planting two rows of potatoes we had enough leftover to share with family.  We didn't have but just a handful of last year's Yukon Golds left so we'll need to pick up some seed potatoes for that variety.

Since our onions did so well last year I decided to up the ante and we planted 3 bundles.  Last year we planted 1 bundle which we thought was a lot of onion, but seeing as we use it 3-4 times a week they didn't even last until fall.   We planted the onions in a triple row to help save space.  We're using the same variety as last year - Big Daddy.

Speaking of Daddy - he had some help getting the holes plunged this year.  :)

We still have too much risk of frost to get tomatoes and peppers out yet, but they're hardening up and should be ready when the time is right. 

Later this week we hope to get beets, salad greens and maybe some cabbage in the ground - if the weather cooperates.

So tell me, how does your garden grow?

Linking up with Homestead Barn Hop , Natural Living Monday and Freedom Friday


  1. So Fun! We just planted half of our garden and are doing the other half this week! BTW the pic of little boy in garden is adorable!!! :) <3

    1. Thanks Julia! That is our newly adopted son. :). He's only been with us for about 3 weeks, but he seems to be adjusting really well and we are enjoying him like crazy!

    2. Oh!!! That's so sweet! I'm so happy for you! <3
