Mar 1, 2013

Friday Confidential

I love it when my favorite bloggers tell a little more about themselves on a personal basis - things you don't hear about in their weekly posts.  I thought it would be fun to write up something like that every once in a while. 

Here are a few fun odd facts about me:

  • I am a terrible procrastinator.  My husband is constantly battling this - trying to think ahead and having to remind me about things more often than he cares to.  Bless his heart.  I just asked him to name one of my bad habits for this post and he said, "You're always late".  See what I mean?  He's always fighting it.  Shame on me.

  • My two favorite bad for me snacks are Coca-Cola Classic and Kit Kat, not necessarily in that order and not necessarily together.

  • I get my blue eyes from my Mother.  Bless her heart, too.  :)  Mom has blue eyes; Dad has brown and every one of us kids ended up with blue(ish) eyes and dark hair.

  • I believe in ghosts because I've seen one.  I was about 16 at the time.  I saw a young girl upstairs in our house in the middle of the night.  Twenty years later we learned that a family who lived in the house before us had lost a little girl to pneumonia in the early 1900s.  Still freaks me out.

  • I just finished reading the Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy.  'Nuff said.

  • I am the oldest child in my family and the only one that does not have children, but we're working on that (slowly, but surely).  Adoption is a long process and can be very frustrating at times.  I've not written anything about it lately because I'm disappointed that there just isn't much to tell.

  • I am horribly afraid of scary movies - to such a degree that I can't sleep.  Sometimes the previews alone are so bad they disturb me.  I don't know how it's legal to show some of those previews during prime time television.

I suppose that's enough for now.


  1. Fun post! :)
    I hear ya' on the scary movies. I read the book "The Shining" by Stephen King but I WILL NOT watch the movie! LOL!!

    1. You're braver than me! No way could I read that book. I've seen only parts of the movie, but it is too creepy for me.

  2. I've enjoyed your blog and have nominated you for a Liebster Award. :)

  3. I agree on your last one. There are times we will be watching a show as a family and a preview will come on and I am appalled, granted my boys are 13 and 14 but regardless, they have never seen a scary or gory movie because they freek ME out! I certainly don't want them seeing preveiews or anything that has to do with those movies!

    I so enjoy your blog, thank you for all your great posts!


    1. Thanks for the comment Kendra. Our kids won't be seeing scary movies for the very same reason! :)
