Oct 15, 2012

Prepping for Winter {Firewood}

In an effort to help keep our electric bill in check this winter, we’ve decided to give our fireplace a run for its money.  We have this unit by Regency.   What we love about it is that it has a blower unit that will pump air up the length of the chimney to two vents on either side.  It does a good job of heating just about the entire house.

Regency fireplace with stone surround

To prepare for the coming colder months, Hubz had me outside most of the day Saturday hauling and stacking firewood.   I think he’s a lumberjack at heart because he seems to be using that chainsaw every chance he gets.  Because of that, we have a large stack of cut wood that has been sitting in the edge of our woods for a while now – some of it for more than a few years.
Many, many moons ago his Dad and a neighbor made themselves a wood splitter.  Somehow his Dad became the sole owner and now that he no longer needs firewood, Hubz inherited it.  He added a new engine last year and, despite the way it looks, that thing works like a charm.

Home-spun woodsplitter in action 

Firewood on its way to storage

Since the wood has been sitting awhile AND we're storing it in the attached garage, we made sure to check it over for infestations – ants, termites, etc.  Our campfire wood pile got all the uglies, including this one.  Any idea what kind of larvae those are?  I’m thinking termites.
Insect larvae in firewood

We ended up with a nice little stack in the garage and went ahead and filled the trailer one more time to have some extra stored in the barn.  Last winter was our 1st winter in the new house and it wasn’t a very cold winter so we don’t have any idea how long this wood will last us.  We’ll see how it goes and, if need be, we’ll be out splitting again.

Firewood stacked in garage

Josie was busy outside, too.  She had a new rubber ducky to de-squeak. 

Maltipoo with rubber ducky in the fall

What’s been keeping you busy as you prepare for winter?


  1. Even though it's hard work, don't you just love to look at the wood pile when it's all neat and stacked? Love your fireplace!

    Visiting from the Barn Hop!

  2. Good way to help keep the electric bill under control! It's hard for me to think about preparing for winter when it's still almost 90 degrees during the day. ;-)
    I have been canning and freezing produce to help us through the winter though.
